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姓名 性别
生日 电话
1952/11/7 13180713480
发布时间 有效期
2005/11/30 9:53:49 2006/11/30
籍贯 毕业院校
吉林 东北师范大学
专业 学历
英语 本科
电子邮件 个人主页
薪资要求 求职意向
简历 姓名:李国强 性别:男 年龄:1952.11.07 学历:英语大学本科 最后毕业学校:东北师范大学 1968.10—1970.12 吉林省汪清县插队知青,集体户长。 1970.12—1976.03 部队,战士,班长,文书,代理排长。 1976.03—1988.11 吉林省露水河林业局,先后做过电工,中学英语教师,专职英语翻 译。其间翻译了刨花板生产技术资料约40多万字(该项目为国家七‘五重点工程项目, 当时投资近亿元),并随团两次赴德国和意大利进行技术培训(任口译),逗留时间约 一年,圆满完成任务,受到中外双方一致好评。随后晋为中级翻译职称。 1988.11—2000.12 吉林省林业进出口公司,先后任业务员,出口部副经理,经理,进 口部经理,单证结算部经理,总经理助理。公司每年创汇约两千万美元,自己起到了重 要作用。在此期间,还应邀为联合国教科文组织翻译了三篇论文(汉译英),被采用并 在相关会议上宣读。 2000.12—2001.08 任巴布亚新几内亚福森公司英语翻译,基地经理。对于热带森林采 伐,加工及其组织工作有了进一步的体会。 2001.08—2002.10 应邀就任韩国伽山产业株式会社中国分公司副总经理,分管进出口 部和人事部。在外企中如何在坚持原则的同时与不同性格的同事友好相处,使之愉快地 为公司努力工作,心得颇多。 2002.10—2003.10 香港伟利公司任业务员,开发部经理。获得了与不同国籍的同事共 同工作的经验。 2003.10—现在 江苏惠泰木业有限公司,任英语翻译,销售部经理。 回顾过去,因工作需要,出差去过欧州,非洲,南美州及亚洲二十多个国家,工,农, 兵,学,商都曾经历,使我得益良多。这些历炼使我有信心面对新的工作。我愿意与有 理解力,有抱负的老板共同工作,为公司的不断发展尽一份力。 联系方式: 手机:13180713480 电话:0439-6120531 E-mail: malcolmlym@hotmail.com jlliguoqiang@21cn.com RESUME Name: Li Guoqiang Birthday: 1952.11.07 Sex: Male Education: Graduated from the Northeast Normal University Subject: English 1968.10—1970.12 Worked in the countryside as the head of a big “family” of the graduated middle school students. 1970.12—1976.03 Served as a head of a special team in the army. 1976.03—1988.11 Worked in a forestry bureau as an electrician, teacher of English and translator. During this period of time, I translated the technical document of the particle board plant, which was the key project of the state Seventh 5-year Plan with the investment of 100 millions RMB, for about 400,000 words. As the translator, I finished the tasks of technical trainings in Germany and Italy perfectly. The total training time was about 12 months. 1988.11—2000.12 Worked in Jilin Province Forestry Imp/Exp Corp. as a businessman, the vice-manager of the export department, the manager of the import department, the manager of the settlement department and the general manager assistant. The company made more than 20 millions US dollars each year and I played an important role in it. During this period of time, I translated 3 papers ( from Chinese into English ) for UN ESCO. They were taken in and pronounced in the conference concerned. 2000.12—2001.08 Worked as the translator and the base manager of Fusen Timber Co. Ltd. in Papua New Guinea. I got the valuable experience of how to organize and instruct the staff and the workers to finish the work. 2001.08—2002.10 Invited to work in Korea Kasan Industry Co. Ltd. China Branch as the vice-general manager. I am responsible for the business of import and export department and the personnel department. I learnt a lot about how to get along with the different colleagues while sticking to the principles. 2002.10—2003.10 Worked in Hongkong Weili Co. Ltd. as the businessman and the manager of Development department. 2003.10—Present Worked in a MDF factory as the translator for the equipments imported from Austria. After they put into production, I became the manager of the sale department. Familiar with: 1.The timber processing machines and forestry equipments. 2. The knowledge of the international trade. 3. The production of the man-made boards. In the past years, I have been to more than 20 countries all over Europe, Africa, South America and Asia for business affairs. I have experienced different lives such as a farmer, soldier, worker, clerk, teacher, translator and businessman, which makes me rich knowledge in different fields. So I am confident to face the work waiting for me. I hope I will meet an understandable and ambitious boss with whom I like to make the company stronger and stronger. Contact Person: Li Guoqiang Handset: 13180713480 Tel: 0439-6120531 E-mail: malcolmlym@hotmail.com jlliguoqiang@21cn.com
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